About Me

As a practitioner I am clear that each person has within them the wisdom to transform and to progress their emotional and physical health. This ‘person-centred’ perspective recognises each client’s inherent value and awareness. It is an approach which I hold dear as a therapist and from which I have benefited in my own personal development.
How I work
Having worked both as a therapist and an educationalist for many years, I incorporate the knowledge and experience from each discipline into my current Craniosacral Therapy practice.
I am trained in two very fine forms of psychotherapy based in Mindfulness and so in a Craniosacral session I may use techniques from either one when appropriate; Hakomi is a body-centred approach; Person-Centred Art Therapy uses art imaging; both employ mindfulness to access unconscious material and support health. I am happy to offer either of these as a full session if a client requests it. You can read more about these on the ‘Psychotherapy’ page.
Through teaching, I encountered many complex conditions in children which I now treat using Craniosacral Therapy. These young clients can benefit from improvement to their emotional health, their learning and their behaviour.
- Craniosacral Therapy Practioner
- Practitioner in Somatic Psychotherapy and Person-Centred Art Therapy Skills.
- Trainer and Course Tutor in Person-Centred Art Therapy
- Head Teacher: School for children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
- Special Needs Advisory Teacher
- ‘Massage in Schools’ facilitator
- Honours Degree in Psychology
- Post Graduate Certificate in Education
- Post Graduate Certificate in Language Difficulties
- Certificate Training in Hakomi, Somatic Psychotherapy
- Diploma in Person-Centred Art Therapy
- Diploma in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
- Certificate in Natural Face-lift Massage Therapy
- Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology
Contact me for more information or to make an appointment.